ARAFMI Changing Minds, Mental Health Truths, School Education Program – Perth metro and Bunbury area

Programs for children and youth of parents with a mental illness (peer support and education programs)

Changing Minds – Mental Health Truths is an innovative education program that dispels the myths and misconceptions surrounding mental illness and promotes mental health and wellbeing. The program is provided in secondary schools, alternative education, TAFE institutes and workplaces.

The program aims to reduce the stigma around mental illness and provides education and awareness about mental illnesses, mental health and provides an opportunity for students to ask questions.

This is done through an interactive presentation that includes a trained volunteer sharing their personal experience with mental illness. This gives the students an opportunity to hear from people with a lived experience of having a mental illness or who are carers or family members of someone with a mental illness.

The program is free and targets all secondary school students and teachers in the Perth metropolitan area and Bunbury.

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For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.