Resource Library

Search through a collection of resources related to mental illness

For use by parents and families, children, professionals who support them and other groups.

Resource Articles:

CHAMPS Programs – Eastern metro area

Eastern Health FaPMI (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness) coordinates direct programs for families that are run in partnership with other organisations. Eastern Health FaPMI runs CHAMPS which is a suite of peer support programs for children aged 8-12 years in families where a parent has a mental illness. The aim of the […]

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Integrated Family Services – Eastern region

Eastern Region Integrated Family Services offers a comprehensive suite of services that predominantly incorporates outreach, case management and group work to children and families within Maroondah, Knox and Yarra Ranges areas whom are assessed as being in need. Services include: Mental health support Parenting support – 0 to 18 years Crisis intervention Personal issues Drug […]

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Supporting Kids in Primary Schools (SKIPS)

SKIPS is a program for primary schools. It deals directly and honestly with the issue of mental illness in families. The program gives teachers straightforward information about mental illness and gives them practical strategies for supporting children living with a parent with mental illness. It highlights how schools can support those families as part of […]

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Family to Family Partnership – Perth metro area

Family to Family Workshop series – 6 sessions for the whole family where a parent experiences a mental illness. This partnership arises from the family members themselves saying “”what we really needed was a place where the whole family could learn and share together about mental illness and how it affects each of us””. The […]

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COPMI Program – Perth metro, Scarborough

The outreach service staff visit the families’ homes or where children and young people are most comfortable to meet. The COPMI Program offers the following: Individual counselling of children of parents affected by mental illness. Crisis planning and development of safety plans for children and their families. Identification of family support systems. Practical support for […]

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Carer Consultant Support – Rockingham

The Carer Consultant role supports the carers and families of mental health consumers in Mimidi Park, Rockingham General Hospital. The Carer Consultant runs support groups and education and training events. One-to-one support is provided by the Carer Consultant whereby information on mental health, the carers experience and support services for the carer and family can […]

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MIFWA Family Support Program – Northern metro Perth

The Family Support Program recognises that building family resilience is the foundation for achieving positive outcomes. The Family Support Program will: promote and develop resilience and recovery in families assist in the prevention of unnecessary hardship through early prevention strategies assist families to participate in community life.

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ON FIRE peer support program – South east and south west Sydney, Wagga Wagga, Newcastle

ON FIRE is a strengths-based, peer support program offered under the auspices of the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc. The ON FIRE vision is for children and young people to flourish. The purpose of ON FIRE is to cultivate greater hope, resilience and wellbeing in children and young people aged 8-17 years whose parents or […]

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Taz Kidz Clubs, Champs Camps and Parenting Support Programs

Taz Kidz Clubs is an early intervention program designed to prevent mental health difficulties in at risk children and young people. Psycho-social educational groups are run for children aged 7-12 years and adolescents 13-17 years who have a parent with mental illness. See a video about the program here: Champs Camps is an early […]

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e-Hub Online Health Services and Research

e-Hub currently has five programs: All of the programs are anonymous, available 24/7 and free of charge to consumers: BluePages Comprehensive, evidence-based information about depression and its treatment (including medical, psychological and alternative therapies). BluePages also includes interactive depression and anxiety quizzes, descriptions of the experience and symptoms of depression, a relaxation download and […]

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Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program

The Australian Government funds the national Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program to provide support to young carers. The Young Carers Respite and Information Services Program assists young carers who need support to complete their secondary education or vocational equivalent due to the demands of their caring role. Young carers are children and young […]

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The First Touch Program

The First Touch Program is a five-session, evidence-supported program that helps parents to promote their baby’s mental health. In the First Touch Program, parents have the opportunity to explore and learn about the ways in which their baby uses body language, sounds and other signals to communicate their needs. Parents also learn how to use […]

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Mothers Support Program – Inner city and lower north metro area

The Mothers Support Program is a community based support service for mothers with dependent children residing in the inner city or lower north metro area, who experience or are at risk of experiencing mental health issues. Services include individual assessment and care planning, outreach, information and referral, support and advocacy, counselling, art therapy and a […]

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ARAFMI Youth Services – Perth metro area

ARAFMI offers FREE professional counselling and support to children/youth aged 8-18 years who have a friend or family member with a mental illness. The purpose of this counselling is to explain to the child/youth aspects of mental illness that their friend or family member experience. The counselling also explores the way the mental illness effects […]

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ARAFMI School Holiday Program – Perth metro and Peel region

The ARAFMI School Holiday Program is for young carers to come along and meet other young carers in a safe and friendly environment. The young carers are able to have some ‘time out’ from being in the carer role and have fun with other young carers who are in similar situations. The young carers participate […]

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Chillin’ – Bundaberg

Chillin’ runs a social support afternoon every Wednesday and Thursday for adolescents aged 11-17 years. Chillin’ features activities around mental health, healthy living, early intervention and prevention and social activities (eg football, swimming, beach, DVDs, games, art and music). Transport is available (collected from school and then dropped off at home).

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Children and Adolescent Support Program Access Service (CASPAS) – Townsville

CASPAS is a program for children whose parent/s have a psychiatric disability. The program has several goals: Enhance the overall wellbeing of children where a parent/s have a psychiatric disability. Encourage and support a lifestyle as is enjoyed by other children and families within the community. Advocate and encourage existing services to improve supports for […]

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Offspring Group – Oaklands Park

Offspring is a group for young people who have a parent, carer or sibling with a diagnosed mental illness. The group runs over eight weeks and: provides education about mental illness gives young people an opportunity to share their experiences promotes the development of a plan in the case of their parent, carer or sibling […]

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Raw Energy Young Carer Support Program – Adelaide south and east metro area

The Raw Energy Young Carer Support Program aims to work with Young Carers (aged 5-25) in ways that are respectful, meaningful and supportive to them as individuals in a caring role. Our goal is to provide Young Carers with opportunities to develop personal skills, knowledge and relationships that support them to make positive life choices. […]

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SA Women’s and Children’s Health Network Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services – Eastwood

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) is a service for mentally ill women who have a child less than 3 years of age. The service has an inpatient unit, Helen Mayo House, which admits psychiatrically ill women along with their infants. The average length of stay is […]

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Staying Attached – Adelaide metro area

The Staying Attached Program was successfully piloted during 2005-2008 and secured increased, ongoing funding to develop services across the metropolitan area. Staying Attached is an early intervention service for women engaged with Mental Health Services and focuses on early and secure attachment between mother and infants under 3 years of age. Support workers, working within […]

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Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Services – Salisbury

The Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Services provide community support and independent housing for people with mental health related disabilities in the Salisbury and Elizabeth area. Support is provided in the areas of accessing and maintaining independent housing, daily living skills, community linkage and personal support to maintain health and wellbeing. The Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support […]

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ARAFMI Changing Minds, Mental Health Truths, School Education Program – Perth metro and Bunbury area

Changing Minds – Mental Health Truths is an innovative education program that dispels the myths and misconceptions surrounding mental illness and promotes mental health and wellbeing. The program is provided in secondary schools, alternative education, TAFE institutes and workplaces. The program aims to reduce the stigma around mental illness and provides education and awareness about […]

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Even Mummy Cries

Author: Naomi Hunter

‘Even Mummy Cries’ is a beautifully illustrated storybook which explores issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing to young children in an age-appropriate way. ‘It is reassuring in nature, explaining to children that they are not to blame for any sadness experienced by their parents. In addition, it encourages parents to openly express their sadness with […]

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How Can I Care For My Children? A Handbook for Parents Struggling with Drug or Alcohol Use

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents struggling with drug or alcohol use. It allows parents to reflect on the impact of drug and alcohol use on their children, and offers ideas to help their children and family, including a practical Action Plan. “The minds and hearts of these parents […]

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What’s Up With Our Parents? A Handbook For Older Children and Adolescents Whose Mother or Father has Mental Health Problems

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for young people who have a parent who experiences mental illness. It attempts to explain what mental health problems are, and answer common questions that young people have.

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How Can I Help My Children? A Guide To Parents Who Have Mental Problems

Author: Tytti Solantaus

This booklet was written in Finland and translated into English for parents who experience mental illness, with advice around parenting when you’re unwell. “Parents who have psychological difficulties often worry about their children. Parenting may not work out like before. Tiredness may rob parents of strength and patience. They may also wonder how their children […]

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COPMI program, CYMHS (Child and Youth Mental Health Service) – Brisbane

The COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness) program offers parents with mental illness (and/or substance misuse) and their children and families help and information through a range of interventions. Our Program Coordinators can provide you with more information on the below. A consultation/liaison service: We are available by email or phone to discuss […]

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The ‘Family Focus’ DVD

Author: The COPMI national initiative

Many parents who experience depression or anxiety worry about whether they should talk with their children about their illness and how much they should say. The Family Focus DVD helps parents to start the conversation with their children. Parents experiencingdepression or anxiety should follow three steps to viewing these videos: 1. Watch the ‘parents’ video […]

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Tresillian Home visiting program for parents with a mental illness – Sydney Local Health District

Tresillian Early Intervention Home Visiting Program offers home visits to families in the Sydney Local Health District Eastern sector (in central Sydney metropolitan area from Balmain to Cantebury). Visits are made specifically to parents where their mental illness and symptoms are affecting their ability to understand and respond to their children and family. Priority is […]

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‘How can I help my child?’

Author: The COPMI national initiative

This guide was originally produced for use by professionals when supporting parents with mental illness and their families. It is intended to help provide parents with time to think about being a parent living with mental illness, and to help them find practical ways to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of their children and […]

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When your parent has a mental illness

Author: The COPMI national initiative

This booklet is for teenagers of parents who experience mental illness (from 12–15 years and above). It is a resource that parents can offer their children or practitioners can provide to them when supporting parents and families. The booklet answers common questions that teenagers have and offers support and advice. Produced alongside professionals, parents and […]

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Happy Pants

Author: Heather Gallagher

When Mummy wears her happy pants we build sandcastles, go out for baby cinos and have lots and lots of cuddles. But when she comes home with baby Darcy, her happy pants stay in her wardrobe… “Postnatal Depression effects 1 in 7 women. Happy Pants is a heartfelt way to help older children know that […]

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Journey to Wellville

Author: Written and illustrated by parents with a lived experience of mental illness

Journey to Wellville was created by a group of parents who have a lived experience of mental illness. These parents were looking for an appropriate way to open up discussion with their primary-school aged children about living with mental illness. They workshopped some of the ways in which their illness presented, how it looked, sounded, […]

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A monster ate my Mum

Author: Jen Faulkner

This is a children’s book that is written in rhyme, looking at post natal depression (PND) from a child’s perspective. It is suitable for children from 2 years old and is a great way to help young kids to understand that ‘it’s not their fault’ and that ‘mummy will get better’. The book is beautifully […]

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Care plan template – for kids and young people

This care plan template is designed for young people to complete with the guidance of their parent, providing instructions for their care when their parents are unwell or unavailable. More information about care plans

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Family care plan template

This care plan template is designed for parents to complete with family members, providing instructions for their care of children when their parents are unwell or unavailable. More information about care plans

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Connecting with babies about mental illness

Communicating with a baby about parental mental illness can help them make sense of their parent’s behaviour. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents communicate with their baby about it.

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Talking about mental illness with toddlers

Talking with a toddler about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of the illness. This fact sheet provides some tips to help parents to talk with toddlers about it. ‘Whether it’s you or your partner who’s well, unwell or becoming well, how you communicate with your toddler is really important. Small children […]

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Talking about mental illness with children

Talking to children about parental mental illness can help them to make sense of their parent’s behaviour andcontribute to their own sense of wellbeing. This fact sheet provides some tips to assist parents to talk with theirchildren.

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Download Free COPMI Resources

For use by families where a parent has a mental illness, their supporters, and services who work with them.